Tuesday, December 9, 2008

corporate bussines

We operate in the old continental tradition of high quality and personalized service. Our clientele experience life from a somewhat different perspective and search out the best the world has to offer. We've delivered to the Queen Mother and the Pope's entourage when they were here; and would you believe, to the space shuttle STS-42 DISCOVERY preflight astronauts' dinner. We would now welcome an opportunity to serve you. Chocoholics might add that Swiss-Master also helps in a little way define Toronto as a great city. Chocolates are mostly imported from family-run Confiseur Läderach AG, who supply boutiques across Switzerland and ship around the world. In 1998 Swiss-Master reached for a global grasp with the opening of a Swiss-Master boutique in Hong Kong. "For the price of a good local chocolate. . .some of the very best truffles the world has to offer," that's how the media (Canadian Jewish News) describes our product. They also say our packaging is "regal — it's almost like buying a fine piece of jewelry," and our "staff are friendlier than any indecisive shopper has a right to expect" (Toronto Life). Come visit our boutique "to buy your food of the gods" (CTV's Canada AM). It's just north of The Bridle Path / Post Road area and "it's a place that will send your taste buds into a tail spin" (CFTO-TV Eye on Toronto) and a place where "you will find many gift ideas" (Chocolatier Magazine USA). You'll think you've "entered a fancy boutique nestled along a winding fashionable street in Zurich or Geneva" (Jewish Tribune). It's a "golden opportunity" for your company (Sing Tao Daily). Honest, it's "the best place to buy chocolates other than Switzerland" (Bayview Post), and we promise that you'll be able to "dazzle the chocoholics on your Christmas list" (Toronto Sun).

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